SfN_21_50th annual meeting poster

This coming January 11–13, 2021, join the world's largest neuroscience community for SfN Global Connectome: A Virtual Event.



Crown_SfN21_Front page

Spatial memory impaired aged rats exhibit a reduced hippocampal gamma-frequency response to changes in running speed and altered spatial information in place fields

Dieckhaus SfN2021 front page

MRI micro- and macro- structural biomarkers linked to nonpathological brain aging in macaques

Do_SfN2021 front page

Quantitative and volumetric and diffusion weighted MRI analysis of rodent brains as a function of age and cognition

Gray SfN2021 front page

A test of the hypothesis that factors acting to protect synapse function will lead to an understanding of the biological basis of cognitive reserve

Khattab_SfN21_Front page

Higher microglia densities are associated with reduced perineuronal net accumulation around parvalbumin-expressing neurons in the retrosplenial cortex of memory-impaired aged macaques

Lester SfN2021 front page

Aged rats display more accurate allothetic cue-based goal navigation in response to sudden changes in environmental cues

McDermott SfN2021 front page

Locus coeruleus neuronal, glial, and vascular populations remain stable with age in cognitively impaired rheses macaques


Sinakevitch SfN2021 front page

Age-related compartment-specific volume reductions in macaque locus coeruleus: a combined MRI, nissl and immunofluorescence study